Off the Deep End

One of the benefits of sailboat living is that we get to take our house to amazing places and through the ministry work that we do we meet the most amazing people. Here we want to share those experiences with you.

Winter is here

We woke to a dreamy ocean this morning, its ebbing tide lapping softly against the hull. The birds came to life as the world around us awakened. In the dark, I could see rivers of light pulsating across the water as the sun rose. The day dawned crisp and clear. It seems so wrong to

Winter is here Read More »

Port Owen

Our journey to Lamberts Bay started a year ago.  A season in our lives where sailing was still the romanticized version, with new places, new sights and sounds, sunset walks on the beach, and stolen kisses in the dark. It was in Paternoster where the reality of what we had embarked on started setting in,

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