pray without ceasing

Morning girls, I love this time of the day. The moment we open the word and see what God has to reveal to us, almost like a present. I get so excited when I open my bible and realise that my Father has something to share. Today I want to focus for a few seconds on what God means by “Pray without Ceasing”.

We need to start living with the joy of the Lord, and I don’t mean, you can’t be sad or you must walk around with a fake smile. NO, I mean God says we can be cheerful in the Lord no matter what. By praying all the time, not physically praying all the time, but having your go-to be prayer when it’s tough my first response is to search for my dad in prayer.

Thank God no matter what happens, this is tough because the world is not easy in general and being a Christian makes it harder, BUT God says to thank Him, and that’s what I do, when I have food to eat I thank Him, when I don’t I thank Him. . This is the way God wants me who belongs to Christ Jesus to live. Continuously Finding God first, in all things.

Pray without ceasing

1 Thessalonians 5:17

If we want to know how or when to pray we can look at Jesus who is our leading example. Jesus shows us the meaning of praying continually without ceasing. He taught His disciples to pray (Matthew 6:5–13). He prayed before feeding the five thousand (Matthew 14:19–21). He prayed when He blessed the children (Matthew 19:13). He prayed in the morning (Mark 1:35) and in the evening (Mark 6:45–47). He prayed for His disciples and for all believers who followed (John 17). He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36–42). Even in the worst physical pain the son of God could ever endure, while hanging on the cross. He looked over the people who had put Him there and He prayed that His Father would forgive them. Even on the cross, Jesus Prayed (Luke 23:34).

If we follow the footsteps of an almighty God we will find how to have Joy that always cometh after every storm, every night, we will find our joy that cometh in the morning.

Dear Lord, I sometimes feel ashamed that I don’t always seek you first in all that I do. Help me Father to learn from the example You have put before us that we can find joy in all circumstances. Amen

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